Put-in-Bay, OH 43456
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Put-in-Bay Ohio is actually a township on an island called South Bass Island, located about halfway between Cleveland and Toledo on Ohio's northern coast along Lake Erie. The closest mainland cities are Port Clinton (where the Jet Express ferry departs) and Sandusky (where Cedar Point Amusement Park is located). The main business of the island is tourism, and baybucks recommends that there are many opportunities to visit local bars, dining, shopping, attractions, and to stay at Discount Put-in-Bay Lodgings. Most visitors make their Put-in-Bay reservations up to a year in advance to ensure they book a rental home or waterfront condo, or even a hotel room, while they are still available. And don't forget to shop at baybucks while you are here!
Put-in-Bay Hotels offers a wide variety of lodging selections from villa home rentals to resorts & hotels. Ohio’s Put-in-Bay offers vacationers the widest variety of attractions and things to do all in one 2.5 by 5-mile island and easily accessible.